SCA Weekly News Review: October 27, 2019
We now join Mike Carsten on a road trip already in progress …
We now join Mike Carsten on a road trip already in progress …
Saving Neon: A Best Practices Guide
By Al Barna and Randall Ann Homan
San Francisco: Giant Orange Press/San Francisco Neon, 2018
Magazine format, 40 pages, $20
Available at
Reviewed by Paul Sherman
If you’re reading this, chances are, at some point, you have passed a stylish neon sign battered by age and the elements and thought, “Someone ought to bring that sign back to its original glory.” Like most of us, though, you might have no idea how actually to do so. There are the costs, the physical logistics and the simple nuts and bolts of how to repair the neon lighting, painted metal base, and electrical wiring.
Oh, the places you’ll go with Jeremy Ebersole.
We apologize for ongoing issues with our online registration process. We hope to have this fully resolved very soon. Most of the main product categories are active, but several “add on” options are not. Sorry!