By Edward Engel
THREE TEENS sporting beehives on the open-air rooftop pool, their legs extending from a shared life preserver, at Manhattan’s Midtown Motor Inn. A woman posing by her burgundy ’62 Buick Special in front of the mid-century Sea Dip Motel in Daytona Beach, Florida. Junipero Serra, the founder of California missions, standing on a sign for what is thought to be the world’s first motel.
THREE TEENS sporting beehives on the open-air rooftop pool, their legs extending from a shared life preserver, at Manhattan’s Midtown Motor Inn. A woman posing by her burgundy ’62 Buick Special in front of the mid-century Sea Dip Motel in Daytona Beach, Florida. Junipero Serra, the founder of California missions, standing on a sign for what is thought to be the world’s first motel.
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