By Ronald Ladouceur

1: Day Motor Co.

State Street, Syracuse, New York (Google Map)

Along N. Salina Street and its surrounding blocks in Syracuse, New York, there are close to one dozen classic ghost signs. Community supporters have “restored” a few. In the case of Day Motor Co., my first of five favorites, the decision to repaint only one of two near-identical brick faces gives us the opportunity to see both simultaneously, helping us, perhaps, mentally repaint and better appreciate other faded examples.

2: Fay’s Drug and E&W Collars

E. Genesee Street, Auburn, New York (Google Map)

But what would be the effect of repainting the spectacular double ghost in Auburn, New York? Should we restore only the older E&W Linen Collars and Cuffs (circa 1900), one of the companies that gave Troy, New York its nickname of “The Collar City”, or the newer Fay’s Drug (circa 1970), a Syracuse-based chain that sold out to JCPenny in 1986? And would any restoration, no matter how true to the originals, serve as a better backdrop to the marvelous diner that now stands in front?

To read the rest of this article, members are invited to log in. Not a member? We invite you to join. This article originally appeared inSCA Road Notes, Fall 2018, Vol. 27, No. 3. SCA Road Notes, informally known as SCA News, is a quarterly publication and a member benefit of the Society for Commercial Archeology. Back issues are available for download.

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